I only review products that have made a really great impression which is not often, but thought Chämpo (Pitta Dosha) deserved a review. I love that the shampoo is a liquid not a highly viscous product like so many other shampoo products.
I have a medical condition which results in a lot of hair fall over the years and my hair is thin and baby fine.
Using this system is hugely beneficial, so much so that my husband has commented on the substantial reduction in hair fall and after use, the vacuum is no longer clogged with hair!
I use the shampoo and the conditioner whenever I wash my hair (no longer daily) and now use a shampoo brush. I add the perfecting cream when I use my hairdryer/straightener, which is not often as often as previously as I have now retired and I use the serum on the days I don’t wash/condition my hair.
My hair looks and feels healthier and as stated above, hair fall has greatly reduced.
I will continue to use this shampoo system and would recommend that people (at least) try the product(s). It may help with hair issues.
I may (or may not) try the gummies at some stage!
Yes, it is quite expensive, but as far as I’m concerned, I’m (it’s) worth every penny!!