Revisiting our roots | Vata

Revisiting our roots | Vata

Revisiting our roots | Vata

We’re raising the bar in haircare.


When it comes to our formulas, we’re very exacting. Our approach is one of optimising both immediate and long-term results, applying expertise from leading trichologists and Ayurvedic practitioners while selecting only the very best and most effective botanicals.

Here we uncover not one, but two, hero actives behind our Vata haircare system, formulated precisely for dry, difficult or damaged hair that longs for moisture.

Latin | Phyllanthus Emblica    Sanskrit | Amlaki    English | Indian Gooseberry

Amla Fruit.

When reading about the exceptional actives within our three haircare systems, you would be forgiven for thinking that our formulations laboratories depict something akin to the archetypical Indian kitchen. This really is the wonder of Ayurveda, however.

Amla Fruit holds somewhat of a special place in our story, initiating our whole journey of discovery about haircare’s Ayurvedic heritage after the grandmother of Chämpo’s founder recommended its oil to her.

Amla has been used successfully in Ayurveda for over 5,000 years, believed to improve hair elasticity, strengthen roots and revive damaged and lacklustre hair. Found extensively in India, these nutrient-rich, sour-tasting gooseberry-like fruits are abundant in calcium, iron and vitamin C. (Some sources suggest Amla contains one of the highest known concentrations of antioxidant vitamin C in the plant kingdom – 20x times that of an orange.) More importantly, the vitamin C within Amla is naturally stabilised by the presence of tannins, which help maintain vitamin content even through processing. No wonder then that Ayurveda deems Amla among the most formidable rejuvenating herbs.

Other Sanskrit nicknames for Amla – names meaning ‘mother’, ‘nurse’ and ‘immortality’ – are a testament to the healing capacity of its fruits.

The Amla Fruit selected for our Vata hydrating shampoo and conditioner formulations is of exceptional quality, purposefully sourced from where these plants thrive naturally and sustainably. Only when they are ready are the berries harvested and dried, immersed in oil and then filtered and purified. The resultant extract is rich in fatty acids which, when added to the exceptional plant actives and essential oils in our Vata blends (Jasmine absolute, Rose absolute, Australian Sandalwood and Patchouli) not only helps soothe a dry, sensitive scalp but also brings about remarkable improvements to hair’s condition and strength.

More pertinently for the modern haircare customer, Amla’s intrinsic antioxidant properties help protect hair from the havoc incited by the stress and pollution prevalent in our Western lifestyles – restoring longed-for condition, suppleness, shine while promoting continued healthy hair growth… an all round brilliant berry.

Latin | Cocos nucifera Sanskrit | Kalpa Vriksha English | King Coconut

King Coconut.

While Amla Fruit is undoubtedly the primary hero of our Vata range, it would be remiss of us not to mention King Coconut. Offering far superior qualities to regular coconuts, this age-old Ayurvedic remedy intensely nourishes hair from within, strengthening roots, stimulating hair follicles and leaving hair exceptionally shiny, smooth and lustrous.

King Coconut is commonly found in Sri Lanka, an island just off the southern tip of India. Growing in the wild without any human intervention, the King Coconut may seem humble but its constitution is anything but. It is a rich source of B-complex vitamins, essential fatty acids and amino acids, as well as potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, chloride and phosphate. Suitably impressed? I know we were. Consequently, they are harvested with extreme care, by hand, to avoid damaging the precious fruits.

In Sanskrit, coconuts are called ‘Kalpa Vriksha’, meaning
"the tree that gives all that is necessary for living".

We couldn’t have chosen better for our Vata hydrating shampoo and conditioner formulations. Whether hair is colour treated, suffers the effects of urban pollution or struggles with a wider physiological imbalance, King Coconut becomes Vata hair’s strongest ally – deeply hydrating and protecting, drawing and locking in moisture to each and every strand. Split ends are concealed, dry hair replenished and lifeless locks transformed. All hail the king!

Intrigued by these Ayurvedic wonders? Find out more about our Vata haircare regime, or discover your hair Dosha here.

Delve deeper into the ingredients behind our two further haircare systems; Revisiting our roots | Pitta and Revisiting our roots | Kapha.


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