My ChÀmpo hair story | Zoe - Kapha No. 1

My ChÀmpo hair story | Zoe - Kapha No. 1

My ChÀmpo hair story | Zoe - Kapha No. 1

Our pursuit is one of empowering every woman to enjoy healthy hair for life, and our latest customer hair story represents another stirring review. Kapha No. 1. An account of breast cancer treatment, hair loss, renewed hair health and reprioritisation.

Hair Masterclass

Our founding inspiration came from overcoming modern hair health needs induced by stress, lifestyle or hormonal change. Our mission? To create remarkable hair care formulas that outperformed anything on the market today. Here, we proudly bring you another tale of transformation.

Zoe is a Kapha.

My hair has always been important to me
 though, with hindsight, I know that my early priorities were based around style, rather than health. I inflicted years of excessive heat styling on my hair, applying formulas laden with silicones to give my dry, damaged strands the appearance of smoothness (yet all the while exacerbating my already oily roots). 

All that changed in early 2018 with a diagnosis of breast cancer. After just one round of chemotherapy, my hair began to fall out in clumps. The thought of losing my hair – and, with it, my femininity – made me feel worse. I had it shaved into a buzz cut quite early on, though the stubble still fell out. Two days later, my husband did a full wet shave. An emotional visit to the wig lady resolved that scarves and wigs weren’t going to be for me. And so began nine months of being bald.

My hair loss didn’t stop there. Six rounds of FEC-T chemo, 21 rounds of radiotherapy, a lumpectomy and full node clearance plus 18 rounds of Herceptin meant every last hair on my head and body was gone. Combined with weight gain from all the medication, my self-confidence plummeted. You don’t quite realise how much a good hair day boosts your spirits until you don’t get one.

Rather miraculously, once chemo had finished my hair began to grow back almost immediately. Within four months my head was covered and, after six months, I sported a smart pixie crop. My approach to hair care, however, was fundamentally changed. 

I became much more conscious of the health of my virgin hair. Though it’s grown back thicker and coarser than ever, with oily roots and a more than frustrating curl, I promised to treat it with nothing but the utmost respect. I rarely use heat, don’t bleach it or use aggressive colouring, and have been especially vigilant around the products I use on it – consistent with my decision since diagnosis to only use natural cosmetics and skincare.

Not long after returning to work, a colleague introduced me to ChĂ€mpo. With ingredients now of paramount importance, I was impressed with the lack of sulphates, silicones and parabens, and keen to try these formulas out. I took the hair Dosha quiz and was prescribed Kapha, due to my thick, coarse ends and oily roots. Needless to say, I wasn’t disappointed. 

My hair feels strong and soft – both highly important qualities as I get used to once again running my fingers through my newly grown locks. Choosing to keep my hair short, I was concerned I would have to wash it every day or face it getting greasy. I needn’t have worried. My hair is super shiny, yet never limp or flat. With its improved health has come renewed confidence in both my appearance and myself. 

Without a doubt, ChÀmpo is one of the best hair brands I have tried and its place in my beauty cabinet and routine will endure. Good hair days are back and here to stay.

Motivated for more? Read further hair stories here or explore our Kapha balancing system.


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