Optimise hair conditioning results with our Wide-tooth comb

Optimise hair conditioning results with our Wide-tooth comb

Optimise hair conditioning results with our Wide-tooth comb

Long-held hair habits die hard. Hair washing is often done in the morning while we attempt to awaken body and soul for the day ahead - meaning it’s something very few of us dwell upon.

Hair Masterclass

We choose our shampoos and conditioners with great care, yet rarely question the efficacy of how we apply and use them. What if we said, though, that something as simple as adding a comb to your routine would really enhance haircare results?

We crafted our Wide-tooth comb entirely for this purpose. Ideal for all hair Doshas, its bespoke design protects and optimises hair’s smoothness and condition while instantly improving conditioner performance and results. Here’s how its benefits have made it the must-have accessory in every hair washing routine. 

  1. Balanced hydration
    Conditioner is key to nourished, shiny and visibly healthy hair and our concentrated blends mean just a little formula goes a long way, whether hair is short or long. Here’s how to get it right...

    - Smooth a little of your chosen Chāmpo conditioner only onto mid-lengths and ends. Hair closer to the roots is newer and doesn’t require supplementary nourishment.
    - Using your Wide-tooth comb, start at ends and slowly comb conditioner through mid-lengths of hair.
    - Rinse thoroughly, right away.

    As this technique delivers a balanced measure of conditioner with just a little formula, you’ll soon realise you use – and need – less conditioner: your Chāmpo now lasts even longer.

  2. Retaining resilience
    We’ve often mentioned that hair is weakest when wet, therefore gentle technique is key to making the most of using your Wide-tooth Comb. Combining wet hair when strands are ‘reinforced’ with a coat of conditioner secures a soft, smooth and knot-free finish in the shower, preventing the need to comb wet hair again before you blow-dry.

    Post-shower, be sure to avoid roughing up strands and hair follicles by gently squeezing, rather than rubbing, water out of hair with a clean cotton towel.

  3. Tackling tangles
    Tackle tangles in and out of the shower armed with our Wide-tooth Comb. Its wide-set, rounded teeth are crafted from an eco-friendly blend of Wheat Fibre with a 100% biosourced polymer. The result is a super-smooth, anti-static surface delivering enhanced slip through strands and effortlessly unravelling knots without friction, snags or pulls.

    If detangling hair while dry, be sure to always use light contact and work in sections, starting at ends and working up through mid-lengths. Hold each section as you detangle with our Wide-tooth comb to avoid any stress to hair’s roots.

  4. Fighting frizz
    Brushing hair while dry can open up the hair cuticle and leave it more prone to humidity-induced frizz. Limit the need to do this so often by combing hair with conditioner in the shower using the technique above. Gentle towel and blow-drying after then retains hair’s smooth, tangle-free texture, meaning no need to reach for a brush just yet.

    Additionally, those among us with fine hair are more than familiar with the troublesome affect our sleep routine can have on strands. Avoid waking to friction-induced flyaways by very carefully combing hair with our Wide-tooth comb, then gathering it into a low, loose ponytail before bed.

Explore and purchase  our Wide-tooth comb here.


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