My Chāmpo hair story | Moira, Pitta

My Chāmpo hair story | Moira, Pitta

My Chāmpo hair story | Moira, Pitta

For so many, our hair holds great importance; it defines us, impresses upon our identity and fuels our self-belief. Chāmpo was founded to empower women with a haircare system that steps up when hair lets them down. With it, we aim to overcome modern day hair health needs, restore inner confidence and reinstate great hair days, every day.

Hair Masterclass

Our latest Chāmpo convert hair story is a true tale of re-empowerment through renewed hair health after overwhelming loss…

Moira is a Pitta.

I’ve always looked after my hair. Along with my nails, it’s a very important part of me, defining me, my personality and my femininity. I indulged in regular cuts, colours, styles and treatments, even in times of struggle, and always used premium, professional haircare products.

Life changed in May 2018 with a diagnosis of breast cancer. Surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy were my imminent future and the chemotherapy was as horrible as I imagined. My hair (and nails) began to fall out from the first treatment, so I asked my hairdresser to shave my head - though also lost the fuzz post-treatment round two. I coped well and felt the hair loss was the least of my worries - the knowledge it was temporary kept me going.

Once chemo finished in March 2019, my hair began to grow back quickly, though more fluffy. After nine months I had it coloured again and, along with my smart pixie crop and hairdresser tips on covering the thin patches, I loved it. Over the next few months, however, I tried to grow it and really struggled. Each time, the ends would break, the fluff returned and it would all need chopping back again. I stopped colour treatments and switched to the volumising range of the professional brand I used. But nothing worked.

Fast forward to May 2022 and my daughter’s wedding. The fact I could still do nothing with my natural hair was very upsetting and I chose to wear a wig. After the wedding, a cousin suggested I try Chāmpo. I ordered that day and the results were almost instantaneous. One month after use, my hairdresser was as amazed as I was at the difference in my hair. And, over these last five months, I’ve made more progress in my hair journey than in the three years previous. Today, it’s thicker, healthier, growing and I can style it in many different ways.

When going through chemo, someone said to me that there were far worse things than losing your hair. I completely agree, but it’s still a very difficult thing. With my new hair growth, I now have my mojo and confidence back. I no longer dread getting ready for special occasions.

Most recently, I attended the wedding of my cousin who recommended Chāmpo and she was amazed. Lots of people now compliment me on my hair. I tell them all about Chāmpo and the remarkable difference it’s made. Yours will always be the product for me.

Roused for more hair story reads? Explore them here.

Learn more about our award-winning Pitta haircare system for fine, thinning or falling hair here.

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